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Visit to London Husaini Masjid 1439H

Shehzada Dr Husain Bhaisaheb Burhanuddin son of Syedna Khuzaima Qutbuddin RA lead Zohr and Asr Namaaz in Husaini masjid London on the 11th of Muharram 1439H.

Mumineen arrived at the Masjid before zawaal and proceeded to do ziarat of Ummul Mumineen Amatullah Aisaaheba QR.

After ziarat, Mumineen proceeded into the Masjid and prayed 2 rak’ats Tahiyyat al-Masjid Namaaz. After Azaan, Mumineen prayed Zohr Imaamat Namaaz led by Shehzada Saheb. Thereafter, Mumineen prayed 2 rak’at namaaz praying for the long life of Haqq na Dai Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS, and beseeching Allah Taala to grant him nasr-e-aziz and fath-e-mubeen. After Asr imaamat namaaz, Shehzada Saheb prayed wasilo, in which he did shukur for the visit to Husaini Masjid and then he prayed the shahadat of Imam Husain SA, renewing the grief and lament for Husain SA that Mumineen felt throughout the 9 days of Ashara Mubaraka. Husain Bhaisaheb did shukur that by the doa mubarak of Syedna TUS Mumineen were able to take barakatduring these auspicious 9 days in London.

We pray to Allah Ta’ala that may Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS visits London and Husaini Masjid, and may we have the sharaf and opportunity to pray imaamat namaaz behind him and do his deedar and listen to his waaz mubarak. May Allah Ta’ala grant Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS fath-e-mubin by the wasila of Imam-uz-zaman SA and a long life till the day of Qiyamat. Ameen.

To view Shehzada Saheb's wasilo in Husaini Masjid please click here.

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